Apr 13th, 2023 | Economic, National Accounts
Statistical release: Niue Gross Domestic Product: 2020-2021 This release or report reflects some revisions to the Niue national accounts up to 2021 with the availability of more unaudited and audited government accounts and other administrative records.National...
Mar 1st, 2023 | Economic, National Accounts
Statistical release: Niue Gross Domestic Product: 2019-2020 This release or report reflects some revisions to the Niue national accounts up to 2020 with the availability of more unaudited and audited government accounts and other administrative records.National...
Apr 30th, 2022 | Economic, International Merchandise and Trade
International merchandise trade plays a crucial role in economic development, binding producers and consumers located in different countries into a global economic system. The availability of timely, high quality international trade statistics is therefore vital for...
Jun 15th, 2021 | Economic, International Merchandise and Trade
International merchandise trade plays a crucial role in economic development, binding producers and consumers located in different countries into a global economic system. The availability of timely, high quality international trade statistics is therefore vital for...
Aug 17th, 2020 | Economic, International Merchandise and Trade
International merchandise trade plays a crucial role in economic development, binding producers and consumers located in different countries into a global economic system. The availability of timely, high quality international trade statistics is therefore vital for...
Mar 31st, 2020 | Consumer Price Index, Economic
The consumers price index (CPI) is a measure of inflation for the households of Niue. It records changes in the price of goods and servicesNiue Statistics Office has officially rebased CPI as of June 2018, the last time this was done was 15 years prior based on the...