Apr 1st, 2019 | Births and Deaths, Vital Statistics
Statistical releases: Vital Statistics for the year 2018 Vital statistics are an essential input for the planning of human development. Knowledge of the size and characteristics of a country’s population on a timely basis is a prerequisite to socioeconomic planning....
Jan 19th, 2019 | Education
VISIONTo be a school that provides quality education through the pursuit of excellence in both teaching and learning which are relevant to Niue and the global community. MISSION STATEMENTOur fundamental aim is to provide a quality education for our students in a...
Jan 18th, 2019 | Education
Early Childhood Education and Niue Primary School is the only primary school located at Paliati, Alofi South.There were eight primary schools established in the outer village in the 1950-1970’s. These primary schools were amalgamated into the one primary school...
Jan 20th, 2018 | Births and Deaths, Demography, Social, Vital Statistics
Statistical releases: Vital Statistics for the year 2017 Vital statistics are an essential input for the planning of human development. Knowledge of the size and characteristics of a country’s population on a timely basis is a prerequisite to socioeconomic planning....
Apr 28th, 2017 | Other Statistics, Social
The Poverty in Niue Analysis report was based on the 2002 Household Income and Expenditure Survey. This was the first ever Poverty Analysis Report in Niue in response to the Copenhagen Declaration Programme of Action and the United Nations Poverty Strategies...
Jan 31st, 2017 | Births and Deaths, Health, Vital Statistics
Statistical release: Niue Vital Statistics Report, 2012-2016This report is the second demographic report on vital statistics and causes of death in Niue from 2012 – 2016. The data for this report were provided by records kept by the Ministry of Health, the Civil...