MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Progress: ON TRACK
TARGET 1.A Poverty not a concern. With free education and health services, and most Niuean families growing their own food crops or fishing for subsistence, the level of financial hardship is limited.
TARGET 1.B Population decline a major concern. Outmigration, especially to New Zealand. Of the working-age population remaining, a high level (80%) in employment. Government the main employer with around 400 employees. Only 13 percent in vulnerable employment.
TARGET 1.C Zero prevalence of underweight children. Land tenure system allows free access to land for subsistence farming, as well as to the sea, where Niueans fish for food.
MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education
Progress: ON TRACK
TARGET 2.A 100 percent net enrolment and survival rate, with high literacy rates. Education is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 16. Due to close constitutional relationship with New Zealand, Niue’s school curriculum based on the New Zealand Curriculum Framework, contextualised to Niue’ s situation.
MDG 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
Progress: ON TRACK
TARGET 3.A Achieved gender parity in education. Ratio of girls to boys in secondary school less than parity but likely due to outmigration rather than students dropping out. More girls attending tertiary institutions. High participation of women in the nonagricultural sector and good representation in parliament. Women’s participation in national and local government is also high. Niue historically offered women equality under the law and equal access to social and economic services.
MDG 4: Reduce child mortality
Progress: ON TRACK
TARGET 4.A Niue’s national target is to have zero child deaths. Between 2007 and 2011, of 124 live births, there were only two under-five deaths in 2011, with one infant death. 100 percent measles immunisation coverage. All Niuean citizens enjoy free quality health care services.
MDG 5: Improve maternal health
Progress: ON TRACK
TARGET 5.A Niue’s national target is to have zero maternal deaths and since the 1980s, no reported maternal deaths. Outcomes consistent with 100 percent skilled birth attendance.
TARGET 5.B Teen fertility rate dropped. 100 percent antenatal care coverage. Easily accessible and high quality reproductive health services. No data on unmet need for family planning.
MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, NCDs and other Diseases
Progress: ON TRACK
TARGET 6.A Zero reported HIV/AIDS cases. High proportion of the population with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS.
TARGET 6.B Niue has zero reported HIV/AIDS cases.
TARGET 6.C.I No malaria in Niue.
TARGET 6.C.II No new cases. TB not a concern.
MDG 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
Progress: ON TRACK
TARGET 7.A Estimated forest cover high but declining. Protected areas up. CO2 emissions minimal and Niue has not used ozone-depleting substances since 1990. Sustainable use and management of Niue’s natural resources and environment for present and future
TARGET 7.B generations is one of six pillars in Niue’s national plan.
TARGET 7.C 100 percent access to clean water and proper sanitation.
TARGET 7.D No squatters or informal settlements in Niue.
MDG 8: Develop a global partnership for development
MDG 9: Promote Sustainable Population developments
Progress: MIXED
This was an additional goal included in the MDG as the people of Niue have a unique situation where they are free to move in and out of Niue and New Zealand at any time due to their New Zealand citizenship therefore causing high migration.
TARGET 9.A Niue’s population continues to decline due to the lack of opportunities in terms of employment and good renumeration packages, access to preferred education/schools, medical facilities and better lifestyle in terms of modern facilities.
TARGET 9.B Students in Niue have access to tertiary studies information
TARGET 9.C Students going on to study tertiary and returning remains low
TARGET 9.D Development of alternative water and energy resource management a focus for the Government of Niue.
TARGET 9.E Number of unoccupied household increasing as the population continues to decline
Source: Niue Millennium Development Goals 2006 report and 2013 Pacific Regional MDGs Tracking Report